
St Augustine's Catholic College


At St Augustine's we run a wide variety of trips designed to supplement learning and provide enrichment opportunities. The timing of trips is carefully considered by the College to check that there are no major clashes with other trips for the same year group, or with events happening in school. We also look at the number of trips planned for each year group so that each have a similar number of opportunities but neither do they spend too much time out of College missing precious teaching time. 

We recognise that trips can be expensive for parents to budget for so below is a list of trips you can expect to be offered by year group with indicative costs.



All trips are added to ParentMail where we collect payment, consent, contact information for the duration of the trip and medical information needed by trip leaders.

You will receive an email when a new trip becomes available.

Please contact the Finance Office if you are experiencing any difficulties with making payment

Pupil Premium students may be eligible for financial support - please contact the Finance Office.