
St Augustine's Catholic College

School Uniform

The uniform for our College has been agreed to produce a distinctive and smart appearance for this as a place of learning where everyone is treated equally. We want all of our students to be proud to be part of our College Community whilst within the College and in their journey to and from Home. We are grateful to all parents for their support to ensure that each student is in the correct uniform at all times, so as to avoid any unnecessary disruption to learning.

We are mindful of the cost of uniform and equipment and have made every effort to keep the costs to parents to a minimum. The Friends of St Augustine’s (FoStA) regularly have second hand uniform for sale. Please contact  Funding is also available through ‘Pupil Premium’ support which the College receives for some of our students which can be used to support them with equipment, uniform and College trips. Please enquire if you believe that your child may qualify for this.

The College Blazer, ties and Skirts can be purchased from Scholars of Trowbridge, Devizes and Warminster online or in person. It is advisable that orders are placed as early as possible.

Lower School Uniform (Year 7 to Year 11)

Students must wear correct College uniform at all times in college, and also when travelling to and from college.

We do not promote branded items including coats and shoes as we are mindful of additional costs to parents if students begin to insist on them.

In line with our revised Behaviour Policy, we will be doing a check of school uniform and equipment at the start of every day in College. This is so that all students can begin the day ready for learning. Please note that any student who does not have correct uniform will not be allowed to lessons until the issue has been resolved or a plan of action to rectify the situation, has been agreed.

Make-up is not to be worn. For Health and Safety reasons, jewellery, other than a watch, is not allowed and items such as rings, friendship bracelets/bands etc must not be worn. Smart watches are also not allowed in College in line with our policy on mobile phones and also for any examination situations.

One pair of studs may be worn in the ear lobes, size no larger than 11mm (shirt-button size); no other piercings are permitted.

Extremes in hair styles such as wedges, undercuts, shaved back, gel and dyed hair (including “wash in/wash out dyes”) are not permitted. Hair should be no shorter than a grade 2. Long hair should be worn off the face. For certain subjects, it will need to be tied back. No hats or headgear are permitted.

In order to maintain the highest standards in appearance, any problems concerning uniform will be recorded on Classcharts and referred to the Child’s Tutor in the first instance.

Lower School Uniform July 2024

Equipment List July 2023

House Colours (Ties)

  • C      Catherine of Sienna                    Light Blue
  • I        Irma Dolce                                   Orange  
  • J      Josephine Bakhita                        Red
  • M     Maximillian Kolbe                        Green
  • O     Oscar Romero                              Navy Blue
  • P      St Peter                                          Purple

PE Clothing

  • Games shirt – maroon with logo – Compulsory
  • Games shorts – black/plain – Compulsory
  • Sports trainers (non-marking soles) – Compulsory
  • Rugby jersey – maroon with logo (optional)
  • Games socks – maroon with amber band – Compulsory
  • White ankle socks – Compulsory
  • Football boots and shin pads – Compulsory
  • Towel (optional)
  • Games jacket – black/with logo (optional)
  • Black tracksuit bottoms – plain (optional)
  • Sports hoodie – maroon with logo (optional) 

Protective Equipment

Students playing competitive football must be wearing shin pads (FA ruling). The governing bodies for both rugby and hockey strongly recommend the wearing of a well-fitting mouth guard in competitive situations. We ask parents and carers to encourage this.

In cricket, helmets (and boxes for boys) are mandatory for students under sixteen years of age when batting or fielding close to the wicket against a hard cricket ball. The College can provide helmets in these situations.

To protect against exposure to the sun, sun cream and sun hats are encouraged in sunny weather.

All sportswear, including socks and trainers, must be labelled

In case of bad weather, additional clothing may be worn, although this is at the discretion of the Physical Education staff.

Outdoor Clothing

Raincoats, overcoats or duffel coats should be of a suitable style. ‘Fashion’ coats and short, coloured fashion jackets are unsuitable. Denim, leather jackets, hoodies and tracksuit tops are forbidden, as are football scarves.


Shoes should be plain black and polishable with no visible branding. Suede shoes, ballet-style shoes, high-heeled or platform shoes are not allowed. Coloured laces/trimmings are also unacceptable. Training shoes should not be worn unless students are participating in physical education lessons or there is a medical reason.